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Sylvain Levitte​

artistic direction - staging


Born in 1988, Sylvain Levitte began his artistic career with the circus arts, then singing at the Maîtrise des Hauts de Seine (opera Bastille, Aix en Provence ...), and theater at the school of the Studio Théâtre d ' Asnières and at the CNSAD in Paris.

As an actor, he plays under the direction of Declan Donnellan in Andromaque (Racine) and Ubu Roi (Alfred Jarry), of Jorge Lavelli in The Boy of the Last Row (Juan Mayorga), of Jacques Vincey in La Nuit des Rois ( Shakespeare), by Macha Makeïeff in Trissotin or Les Femmes savantes (Molière) and La Fuite (Boulgakov), by Luc Bondy in Les Fausses Confidences (Marivaux) and Tartuffe (Molière), by Patrick Simon in Cérémonies (Dominique Paquet), by Jean -Christophe Blondel in Returns and Winter Travel (Fredrik Brattberg), by Julie Brochen in Le Cadavre Vivant (Tolstoï) and by Sandy Ouvrier, Denis Podalydès, Xavier Maurel at the CNSAD. He regularly records for the radio fictions on France Culture and France Inter produced, among others, by Cédric Aussir (20,000 leagues under the seas, Candide ...) and Baptiste Guiton (The call of the abyss ...).

He assists Peter Brook and Marie-Hélène Estienne on the Why? in 2020 and has been working with them regularly at Bouffes du Nord since then.

He created the company LES CHOSES ONT LEURS SECRETS in 2013 and directed three Shakespeare plays: King Lear, The Night of the Kings and soon The Winter Tale. The bodies of the actors are at the heart of the creative process and a special place is reserved for research and listening to the bodies on the set.
Previously he had staged the shows L'Augmentation (Perec), L'île des slaves (Marivaux), Les Fâcheux (Molière) and Lulu (s) (Wedekind).

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