text William Shakespeare
translation Bernard-Marie Koltès
Ed. Les éditions de Minuit
direction and set design Sylvain Levitte
associate director Clara Noël
lightning design Juliette Besançon
costume design Sylvette Dequest
sound design Olivier Renet
company stage manager & lighting Matthieu Marques Duarte or Grégoire Montjoye
sound technician Matthieu Fuentes
set technician Kayla Krog
Mariana Araoz
Simon Bakhouche
Yejin Choi
Alex Lawther
Paul Lofferon
Laurence Mayor
and a child from Maîtrise des Hauts de Seine
Running time 1h50
All audiences
coproductions Scène Nationale 61 - Alençon, le Conseil Départemental de l’Eure, la Région Normandie et le ministère de la Culture (DRAC Normandie)
support Scène Nationale 61 - Alençon, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, la Maîtrise des Hauts de Seine, L'Etable-compagnie des Petits champs, Lilas-en-Scène, la SPEDIDAM
Sylvain Levitte's radical version reimagines the story from the point of view of the murderer.
Who better than Shakespeare knows how to paint the human and his irrepressible desires?
THE WINTER'S TALE is a story of what happens when the thin line between truth and our perception of the world is dissolved; when a man, a king, cofounds his imagination with reality.
Leontes, eaten by jealousy, accuses his wife Hermione of carrying the son of his best friend, Polixenes. She gives birth to a little girl whilst Polixenes flees home to Bohemia -- where 16 years later his son will fall in love with Hermione's bastard child. Comedy and tragedy are interwoven in each breath in Shakespeare's second-to-last play.
The third installment of Levitte's Elizabethan triptych (following KING LEAR and TWELFTH NIGHT). In the footsteps of Peter Brook, whom Levitte assisted since 2020, the stage is almost empty, placing the actor and the text of Shakespeare at the heart of the work on stage. In THE WINTER'S TALE Levitte takes us into the troubled mind of Leontes, his fantasies and visions, and there we accompany him from murderous folly to bittersweet redemption.

"Weep I cannot
But my heart bleeds"

Mariana Araoz

Simon Bakhouche

Yejin Choi

Alex Lawther

Paul Lofferon

Laurence Mayor

Season 22-23
Alencon, January 16 and 17, 2023, National Stage 61, 7:30 p.m. / to book
Cormeilles-en-Parisis, January 24, 2023, Cormier Theater, 8:45 p.m. /to book
Evreux, March 7, 2023, Legendre Theater, TANGRAM, National Stage, 8 p.m. / to book
Marseilles, March 22 to 24, 2023, La Criée, National Theater / to book
Mondeville, March 30, 2023, The Renaissance, 8 p.m. / to book
Hardelot, May 20, 2023, Elisabethain Theater / to book
Video bonus