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Capture d’écran 2023-05-18 à 09.12.59.png


text Kae Tempest

translation (when in French) Louise Barlett et D' de Kabal

direction Sylvain Levitte

associate Alex Lawther

dramaturg and associate Clara Noël

light Juliette Besançon

video Luca Truffarelli

sound Sam Jones

movement Oona Doherty

design assistant Lola Sergent

cast Kathryn Hunter

expected running time : 1h20all audience

production cie les choses ont leurs secrets, Readiness

coproduction le TANGRAM - Scène Nationale d’Evreux ; PAN, Réseau des CDN et Scènes Nationales de Normandie ; Conseil départemental de l’Eure ; Région Normandie ; DRAC de Normandie.

workshops le CENTQUATRE-PARIS ; le TANGRAM - Scène Nationale d’Evreux ; Riverside Studio, London ; Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC), London.

international development Au contraire productions - Claire Béjanin

It’s 4.18am.

We’re on a suburban street in London.
We meet seven different people.
They are strangers to each other.
They are in their flat, their bedroom, their kitchen. Personal crisis is keeping each of them awake, as they do what they can to fend off the isolation and fear that strikes in the middle of the night.
The desperation – and jubilation – of these individuals coalesce into a much larger canvas, on which financial crash, migration, environmental catastrophe and police brutality rotate.

A narrator will takes us in and out of these different lives (at times becoming these characters, at others their omniscient narrator-observer) with three performers (who will act as an extension of their imagination). There will also be elements of videography — projecting faces and landscapes onto screens and bodies — to bring the outside world into the theatre space.

OUTREACH : Sylvain Levitte is providing workshops for people (15 years+) working on writing, confidence on stage, and learning to listen to the body and one's scene partner, in a way that mirrors what was done in March 2024 with Kae Tempest's poems at the Evreux National Scene.


Inspiration from Anohni, Hopelessness tour.


Kae Tempest

"Seven doors to seven flats open at the same time

and light the raining pavement.


Seven broken hearts

Seven empty faces

Heading out of doors :

Here's our seven perfect strangers."


+33 (0) 6 71 50 68 97 /

3 rue Roland Bezin

27370 Saint-Didier-des-Bois

N° SIRET : 803 161 736 00019

N° de licence : 2-1083586 / L-R-21-014781

Code APE : 9001Z

Merci de vous être abonné.e

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