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Winter's tale

text William Shakespeare

translation Bernard-Marie Koltès

Ed. Les éditions de Minuit


direction and set design Sylvain Levitte

associate director Clara Noël

lightning design Juliette Besançon

costume design Sylvette Dequest

sound design Olivier Renet

company stage manager & lighting Matthieu Marques Duarte or Grégoire Montjoye

sound technician Matthieu Fuentes

set technician Kayla Krog



Mariana Araoz

Simon Bakhouche

Yejin Choi

Alex Lawther

Paul Lofferon

Laurence Mayor

and a child from Maîtrise des Hauts de Seine


Running time 1h50

All audiences



coproductions Scène Nationale 61 - Alençon, le Conseil Départemental de l’Eure, la Région Normandie et le ministère de la Culture (DRAC Normandie)

support Scène Nationale 61 - Alençon, le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, la Maîtrise des Hauts de Seine, L'Etable-compagnie des Petits champs, Lilas-en-Scène, la SPEDIDAM

The Winter's Tale explores the fine line between truth and our perception of the world.


Leontes and Hermione, King and Queen of Sicily, are expecting their second child. But Leontes suspects his best friend Polixenes of being the child’s real father. He calls for Polixenes death – but Polixenes escapes and returns to his own country, Bohemia. Leontes accuses Hermione of treason and has her put in prison where she gives birth. The jealous king calls a trial during which his wife proclaims her innocence and defends her honor. Whilst denying the accusations of her husband, the death of their first child Mamilius is announced. Hermione collapses, is carried away and moments later we hear of her death too. Paulina and Antigonus organize the exile of the newborn, Perdita. The baby is taken by boat to Bohemia, and there rescued by an old shepherd during a terrible storm.


Sixteen years pass and Perdita, now a teenager, falls in love with a young man, Florizel, prince of Bohemia, child of Polixenes, king and former best friend of Leontes. During the sheep shearing festival in early spring, Polixenes discovers the romance between his son and Perdita, whom he thinks is a shepherdess. He orders the end of this relationship but like Romeo and Juliet, the love between Florizel and Perdita is stronger than anything. The two lovers flee to Sicily where they find Leontes. Perdita reunites with her biological father. The two old friends, Leontes and Polxienes, are reconciled. Florizel and Perdita are free to wed.


As this reunion brings tears to everyone’s faces, Paulina unveils the statue of the late Hermione, which suddenly, as if by magic, comes to life.


"Weep I cannot

But my heart bleeds"


Antigonus, Act III, Scene 3


Mariana Araoz.jpeg

Mariana Araoz​


Simon Bakhouche

Yejin Choi.jpeg

Yejin Choi

Alex Lawther.jpeg

Alex Lawther


Paul Lofferon


Laurence Mayor


Season 22-23


Alencon, January 16 and 17, 2023, National Stage 61, 7:30 p.m. / to book

Cormeilles-en-Parisis, January 24, 2023, Cormier Theater, 8:45 p.m. /to book

Evreux, March 7, 2023, Legendre Theater, TANGRAM, National Stage, 8 p.m. to book

Marseilles, March 22 to 24, 2023, La Criée, National Theater to book

Mondeville, March 30, 2023, The Renaissance, 8 p.m.  to book

Hardelot, May 20, 2023, Elisabethain Theater to book

Toutes les dates
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