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Fuente Ovejuna

by Lope de Vega, with the students of the Studio de Formation théâtrale de Vitry

Louis Combettranslation

adaptation and staging  Sylvain Levitte



Thomas Ailhaud

Gabriel Arbessier Cadot

Igor Badnjar

Elea Gregoire

Marie Lenglet

Soren Marca Mary

Julien Ottavi

Camille Plazar

Anaïs Robbe

Nina Simon

Lino tumba


duration of the show: 1h30

for all



With eleven students from the Studio de Formation Théâtrale de Vitry, we explore and mount  a major piece of the Spanish Golden Age: Fuente Ovejuna.  


Fuente Ovejuna is the name  of a village which rebelled in 1476  against his Commander who abused his power. Lope de Vega made a play about the revolt of the excluded against the powerful, of the proletarians against the elites, of the minorities against the majority. When does a revolution begin? How do we unite? What values does the ruling power advocate? Do we have to accept everything? And how far can we tolerate an authoritarian power based on a patriarchal ideology? Is there room to be outside of this society, to be weird, freak? Finally, is violence necessary to overthrow centuries of domination? With for inspiration  Dogville  by Lars von Trier,  Ugly, dirty and mean  by Ettore Scola and the entire aesthetic universe of Pedro Almodovar, we will create a show where all the performers will be on stage throughout the piece - both silent witnesses and voyeurs of political and sensitive oppression.


Helen Weigel in Mother Courage , Bertold Brecht/Berliner Ensemble 1954

"I will do everything possible to ensure that we women avenge our dishonor in the blood of these tyrants. "


Laurence, Act 3


+33 (0) 6 71 50 68 97 /​

3 rue Roland Bezin

27370 Saint-Didier-des-Bois


N° SIRET : 803 161 736 00019

N° de licence : 2-1083586 / L-R-21-014781

Code APE : 9001Z​

Merci de vous être abonné.e

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