Shakespeare Workshop
Cymbeline and Le Conte d'hiver , with the students of Studio JLMB
based on Le Conte d'hiver and Cymbeline
by William Shakespeare
translation of the Winter's Tale Bernard-Marie Koltes
translation of Cymbeline Jean Michel Deprates
staging Sylvain Levitte
light creation Bilal Dufrou
Lucien Arnaud
Louise Charbonnel
Jan Czul
Charles Derondel
Imane Djellalil
Lola donati
Côme Fanton D'Andon
Sonia georges
Ella Grizard
Charlotte lecuit
Victor Letzkus
Elio Massignat
Marie-Lou Nessi
Aurelien Piffaretti
Medina Pozzi
Antoine Statibene-Ruggiero
duration of the show: 2h30
for all
Presentations: Theater 13 JARDIN - Paris
December 18, 2021 - 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
December 19, 2021 - 1 p.m.
Pictures : © alix_olv
After meeting around King Lear in 2019, we continued our discovery of Shakespeare and opened Cymbeline and Le Conte d'hiver .
Written in 1609 and 1610, they seem to pave the way to his last play The Tempest and tackle the themes of forgiveness, redemption, fidelity and separation.
With sixteen student-actors from Studio JLMB, we focused our attention on three characters from the Winter's Tale and four from Cymbeline . Following their point of view throughout the play, we put ourselves in the shoes of these beings, discovering their intimacy, their desires, their fears, their hopes. There is not a character in Shakespeare who is not human, so we we are committed to removing any preconceptions that we might have about a role, avoiding clichés, remove any preconceptions that we might have on a human. Try to understand them in their privacy, their ways of moving, their obsessions and aspirations.
Following two different translations, that of Koltès for Le Conte d'Hiver and that of Jean-Michel Deprats for Cymbeline , we discovered the difficulty these human beings have in expressing themselves, in making themselves understood. The inability of words to fully cover what emotions prompt us to express. The words may well be those of Shakespeare, they are none the less vain when they have to express the loss of his youthful love, the disappearance of her child or the excitement of desire that rises. And this is where all the genius of Shakespeare lies.
We therefore follow Léontes, king of Sicily seized with such jealousy that he kills his son and his wife. We follow Hermione, queen of Sicily, her trial for adultery where she defends his honor and tries to reverse the weight of the accusation. We follow Antigonus, a minister responsible for abandoning the King and Queen's child in Bohemia.
We follow Imogene and her hope to be able to be close to her love Posthumus. We follow Pisanio, a servant led to terrible deeds if he stays true to his duties. We follow Iachimo, a young Italian man who tries to seduce Imogene and win a bet. We finally follow Cloten, an unloved and despised young man who takes his revenge on the world.

"The heretic is the one who sets the fire, not the one who burns."
Paulina in The Winter's Tale
Juliette Savary ©Arnaud Bertereau